4 Less-Mentioned Benefits of Adopting a Child

Relationships & Family Blog

If the time has come to grow your family, you might be considering various options—adoption being one of them. Adoption works well for couples who cannot or don't wish to conceive. However, it also has a lot of other benefits that are not talked about as often.

You get to fulfill a child's dreams.

When you adopt a child who needs a home—especially an older child—you make that child's wishes come true. There is something immeasurably heartwarming about knowing that you made such a difference in another person's life. You can give that child the chance for love, a better education, and other opportunities they may not have otherwise had.

You'll expand your relationship horizons.

Learning to bond with and care for an adopted child is a unique experience, and one that will help you grow emotionally and in a relationship sense. You are bound to face challenges along the way; by facing them and choosing to love your new child in spite of the challenges, you'll be shaping yourself into a more empathetic, caring person. You may also forge other meaningful relationships with fellow adoptive parents and even the child's birth mother.

You can skip the infant stage.

Not that there is anything undesirable about caring for an infant, but it is very time-consuming and not for everyone. If you would rather skip to the toddler stage or even the middle school stage, you can do that by adopting an older child. So many adoptive parents want babies that they are often the first to find homes. Older children, comparatively, have a harder time finding matches—so the situation could be perfect!

You can wait until you are ready.

If you want to conceive and give birth yourself, you have to do so before a certain age. What if you're in your mid-30s and not ready for a baby yet? Adoption gives you the option of waiting a bit longer than biology allows for. You may have heard that you won't be given an adopted child if you're older, but this is just a myth. In the U.S., there is no cut-off for adoption, although some international adoption organizations do have age restrictions. 

Adopting a child is a great way to grow your family, and it offers benefits not only for the child but for the adoptive parents as well. Contact local adoption agencies to learn more about the process. 


27 August 2019

Building Stronger Relationships Amongst Extended Family

For years, I really struggled with the concept of getting along with my family members. We were all so different that it made it hard to be together without having problems, and it was really discouraging. Fortunately, a friend of mine mentioned that we could build a better relationship by spending more time together and working on acting civilly. After a few different family outings, I could tell that things were improving. I wanted this website to be all about making relationships and families stronger than ever before. Read more for great ideas on family outings and new tips for getting along.